Home » How to change language in Activinspire for Mac and Windows

How to change language in Activinspire for Mac and Windows

Today I’d like to share a tip on changing language in Activinspire. I’ve been moving to different classrooms recently, and each has had the Activinspire set to a different language. It has been very difficult to work out how to change the languages back to one I can read, so today, I’d like to take you through the steps of changing the language and provide you with a number for each option in case you cannot read, the language that it is currently in.


To change language in Activinspire on the Mac, follow these steps

  1. In the menu bar in the top left corner, click on the Activinspire name and then select Preferences or press “⌘ + ,”
  2. Click on the Settings Tab, 4th from the left.
  3. Click on Language,  7th option down on the list.
  4. Select the language you want from the drop-down menu
    • English 8th down
    • English (United Kingdom) 9th
    • English (United States) 10th
  5. The settings will take effect once you have closed and restarted Activinspire.
Image of Activinspire's Preferences menu option for the Mac.
Activinspire Preferences
Image of Activinspire setting's menu
Activinspire Settings – Language


To change language in Activinspire for Windows, only the first step differs from the Mac.

  1. In the menu bar, click View and then Customize the last item in the menu or “ctrl + U”
  2. Click on the Settings Tab, 4th from the left.
  3. Click on Language,  7th option down on the list.
  4. Select the language you want from the drop-down menu
    • English 8th down
    • English (United Kingdom) 9th
    • English (United States) 10th
  5. The settings will take effect once you have closed and restarted Activinspire.

For Windows, I used the information from Learn Promehean. If you want to learn more tips on how to use Activinspire, your might like my post Getting the Most Out of ActivInspire: 5 Quick Tips

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